how we do it
PPSA maintains a network of different stakeholders across the agricultural value chain, which includes the government, companies, farmer organizations, civil societies, financial institutions, and academe that work together in attaining inclusive and sustainable agriculture in the Philippines.

Farmers are among the most marginalized and vulnerable sectors. Farmers, along with fisherfolks and individuals residing in rural areas are among the poorest in the country. And when our farmers are burdened, our entire agri-food system is affected.
The challenges they face are challenges that concern us.
our workstreams
As PPSA moves forward in positioning itself as an enabler of multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable and inclusive food systems that empower and transform smallholder farmers and fishers to be self-reliant and resilient, we seek to harness the collective strength of agricultural value chain players towards transforming food systems to become climate positive and inclusive through market-driven solutions. We do this through our three work streams on:
project partnerships
As a multi-stakeholder platform, we build a synergy of committed partners towards increased adoption of inclusive value chain models and sustainable innovations for agriculture
We organize and facilitate knowledge management programs to build/enhance the capacities of partners, including smallholders, in support of scaling inclusive value chain models, and promoting and facilitating increased assistance to smallholder farmers and fishers
policy environment for agri investment
We facilitate action-oriented dialogues with policymakers and public/private stakeholders to enhance policies and plans towards increased and responsible investments for agriculture

our working groups
In PPSA, members and partners work together to benefit the smallholder farmers and the Philippine agriculture sector in general. We do this through Working Groups, a voluntary and diverse groupings of organizations who are significant players within the commodity sub-sector or major cross-cutting concern.
Six of which are commodity-based:






and three thematic issues:



Learning Alliance