PPSA offers its value, and exclusive services and benefits through membership. Our membership is open to any company or institution operating within the agricultural value chain.
why join PPSA as a member?
Leadership and
Eligibility to lead PPSA, become a Co-Chair, lead a Working Group, or assume elective and appointed positions in the PPSA's Core Committee and other special committees
Opportunity to be invited to meetings with key government stakeholders
Voting rights during the election of the PPSA's Core Committee and other special committees
Eligibility to participate in Grow Asia councils (subject to Grow Asia’s council membership guidelines)
Network & Knowledge Exchange
Access to PPSA’s national network and pool of experts, including Grow Asia's partners across the region for project development/learning exchange
Eligibility to participate in the Core Committee and/or Working Groups
Access to PPSA General Assembly, member-only networking sessions and activities organized or co-organized by PPSA; Invitation to Grow Asia's regional events and workshops (excluding the Grow Asia Forum)
Eligibility for a speaking slot at the annual PPSA General Assembly
Invitation for the two most senior representatives of your organization regionally to attend the
Grow Asia Forum (held alongside the World Economic Forum on Asia Summit)
Media & Publicity
Eligibility to profile projects/initiatives through PPSA/Grow Asia platforms, such as case studies, project profiles or learning events
Inclusion of company names and/or logo in PPSA website, brochure and applicable reports
Eligibility to secure marketing space at the PPSA General Assembly and/or be acknowledged during PPSA events/conferences
Opportunity to be featured in PPSA monthly updates
Knowledge & Resources
Receive policy insights, market research, case studies, industry studies or stakeholder maps commissioned by the PPSA and/or Grow Asia (could be subject to the project donor)
Receive monthly "roundups" of relevant news and insights emerging from the region
Access to, and opportunity to publish content on, Grow Asia's Knowledge Repository - the Grow Asia Exchange
Stakeholder Engagement &
Technical Assistance
Participation to chosen PPSA Working Group/s
Access to partnership/funding opportunities identified by the PPSA and Grow Asia
Free technical consultations from PPSA Secretariat and pool of experts
Access to coordination assistance related with agri network

our core members