Our theme, From Collaborations to Value Co-Creation: Pathways to helping smallholder farmers and fishers, explains our commitment to bring together various stakeholders in pursuing development to the lives of smallholder producers and agriculture as a whole. It focuses on mainstreaming different pathways to support the operationalization of the consultative, inclusive, and multi-perspective food systems transformation agenda.

Mainstreaming Inclusive Value Chains in Agriculture
Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains (IAVC) is an approach that envisions to maximize inclusivity of operations and initiatives across the value chain. This session provides an in-depth discussion on how IAVC can be done in key components surrounding agricultural development and transformation.

Emerging Pathways to Food Systems Transformation
The recent UN Food Systems Summit has drawn the attention of the agriculture sector in embracing food systems thinking towards a more holistic, transformational and inclusive approach. Different Action Tracks were designed to capture every component in the achievement of agricultural development. This session then aims to present some of the components that do not gain much traction in agricultural conversations but are equally important in ensuring inclusive and sustainable development.

Building Resilience and Sustainability
Conversations on climate change mitigation, climate-smart interventions and sustainability should always be mainstreamed as the effects of climate change continue to hinder agricultural development in a country that is vulnerable to it. This session mainly provides how climate resilience and sustainability build a stronger agriculture sector with focus on climate-smart interventions, digitization and disaster risk reduction.
Engaging Communities through Ethical Approaches
Professionalizing Smallholder Producers
Involving Women in Business Development
Financing the Value Chain
Linking the Philippines to Global Alliances
Leveraging Research to Transform Food Systems
Promoting Better Nutrition For Filipinos
Scaling up Climate-Smart Agriculture
Optimizing Land Use Planning for agricultural sustainability
Shaping Resilient Agricultural Communities